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File Hosting Service

keep2share is all about trouble-free file sharing. See for yourself! Just drag your file (up to 5,000Mbytes) to the area above and it’ll be in our storage cloud right away!

Keep2Share is a popular choice among those in the same industry, and for good reason. Keep2Share Premium has rapidly become a widely used service for all kinds of file hosting and sharing needs.

There are countless file hosting services out there on the internet. It can be pretty hard to know which to choose when there are so many confusing options. keep2share rises on top five for a very simple reason, its widely approved on blogs/forums sites.

When you buy a Keep2Share Premium account or Premium Pro account you can use the service free of ads. That means no annoying pop-ups and no confusing banners or ads. Registered users who do not pay for a premium will see ads in order for keep2share to generate revenue.

Cross-platform sharing
All you need is a web browser. With keep2share, you can share files with anyone who uses a PC or Mac. It’s easy!

It’s 100% safe
keep2share is secure storage, guaranteed. We’re here 24/7 to make sure your files are safe. No need to worry, ever.

Right when you need it
keep2share is a massive, robust storage cloud which lets you access your files whenever you need it.

Before adding a video preview to your site, make sure that it is added to the My Sites list

If the user has a Premium PRO on k2s, he will be able to watch the full video on your site.

Method 1 (recommended):
You can use the script to have under (or above) all links k2s on the page automatically added video previews if possible (the file is not deleted, the preview is available, etc.)

To do this, you need to insert in the page code before the </ head> tag:
<script src = “https://k2s.cc/js/links-to-preview.js” data-cfasync=”false”> </ script>

You can also set the width, height of the video, indents and position of the video relative to the link.

Method 1. The settings of the player when automatically added to the site.

The default size of the player will be is 400: 225px.

You can also set the width, height of the video, indents and position of the video relative to the link.

K2s.cc Search Videos Download

Example: <script data-padding = “2px 5px” data-align=”left” data-width = “500px” data-height = “56.25%” src = “https://k2s.cc/js/links-to-preview.js” data-content-order=”preview,link” data-cfasync=”false”> < / script>


data-padding = “2px 5px” – padding at the top and bottom of 2px, right and left 5px

data-align=”left” – position of the video on the left of the page (if you do not add this parameter to the script, the video is aligned depending on the parent <div>)

data-width – the maximum width of the video

data-height – the ratio of the video height to the width (56.25% value for the ratio 16: 9)

K2s.cc Search VideosK2s.cc Search Videos

data-content-order – the parameter that specifies the position of the video relative to the link. If you do not use this parameter, the preview will be added under the link. If you set it to “preview, link”, then the video will be above the link.

Method 2

Previews to the site can also be manually added individually:

To do this, add the player code in the page code to the place where you want to place the video preview:

To add a video preview to your site (post or topic), you need to insert player code to the place were you wish the video preview should be added.

<script data-url=”{url}” data-width=”500px” data-height=”56.25%” src=”https://k2s.cc/js/preview.js”></script>

Where {url} is a file url, e.g. https://k2s.cc/file/540758dfcd920

data-width – maximum video width

data-height – the ratio of the height of the video to the width (56.25% value for the ratio 16: 9)

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Thus, the size of the displayed video preview will be adaptive and adjust to the width of the screen.

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And if the preview is not available, it simply will not be displayed on the page.

K2s.cc Search Videos

To position the preview on the site page, use HTML and CSS

To automatically generate code for each file, you can add a template.

To do this, go to the ” LinkSettings” and add the necessary code to the new line of the “Template” field.

Then click “Save”.

K2s.cc Search Videos Online

Next, go to “My files”, find the desired file, open it. Below is the code to insert on your site

File url inside the code was automatically substituted.

It remains to copy the code and insert it to your page code.