Cool Subdomain Names

I agree with Microsoft's recommendation: Use a sub-domain of the company's already-registered Internet domain name. So, if you own, use or some such. The most vile thing, as I see it, is using the registered Internet domain name, verbatim, for the Active Directory domain name.

Table of Contents

  • Overview
  • Create a subdomain
  • Search subdomains
  • Modify a subdomain
  • Modify the document root for a subdomain
  • Enable or disable subdomain redirection
  • Remove a subdomain

Choosing the best possible domain name for your website is absolutely critical. Your domain name is something that deserves hours, if not days, of thought, and it’s no exaggeration to say that, in some circumstances, making the wrong choice can break a business. A domain name is a public website address, and it’s what you type in a browser’s URL search bar to locate any website on the internet. Domain names are actually the user-friendly version of what’s going on behind the scenes when a user makes a search online. Always Go for Let me say this again: Wherever possible, always go for The names are usually either related to aquatic animals, aquatic deities or nouns that give off a specific feeling, like 'curiosity' and 'adventure'. This name generator has all three types of names. The first 3 results are deity names, the next 4 are aquatic animal names, and the last 3 names are noun-based names.

Table of Contents

  • Overview
  • Create a subdomain
  • Search subdomains
  • Modify a subdomain
  • Modify the document root for a subdomain
  • Enable or disable subdomain redirection
  • Remove a subdomain


Valid for versions 82 through the latest version

Last modified: December 2, 2020


This interface allows you to create and manage subdomains for your cPanel account. A subdomain is a subsection of your website that sometimes exists as a subdirectory of your public_html (document root) directory or your account’s home directory. Subdomains use a prefix in conjunction with the domain name.

For example, if the registered domain name is, the subdomain will be You can use subdomains to create unique user accounts for vanity domains.

Visitors cannot view your subdomain immediately. Changes to DNS records may require two days or more to reach all of the nameservers on the internet.

Cool Subdomain Names Minecraft

Create a subdomain

Due to the order in which Apache processes its configuration file, wildcard subdomains may disrupt the functionality of service subdomains. We strongly recommend that you use wildcard subdomains only when absolutely necessary, or when you do not need to use service subdomains.

To create a subdomain, perform the following steps:

  1. Enter the desired prefix in the Subdomain text box.

  2. Select the desired main domain from the menu.

  3. Enter the home directory for the subdomain in the Document Root text box.

    • The house icon () represents the cPanel account’s home directory.

      • The Document Root text box defines the new subdomain’s directory, relative to the cPanel account’s home directory. For example, if you enter subdomain in the Directory text box and the cPanel account uses the /home/example home directory, the subdomain will exist in the /home/example/ directory.

      • The system automatically populates this text box with the subdomain’s fully-qualified domain name (FQDN).

      • You cannot use the following directories as a document root:

    Click to view...
    • The account’s home directory itself ( / )

      • Directories outside of the account’s home directory ( ./ and ../ )
      • .cpanel
      • .trash
      • etc
      • mail
      • ssl
      • tmp
      • logs
      • .cphorde
      • .spamassassin
      • .htpasswds
      • var
      • cgi-bin
      • .ssh
      • perl5
  4. Click Create.


When you create an addon domain, parked domain, subdomain, or main domain, the system will attempt to automatically secure that domain with the best-available existing certificate. If no certificate exists, the system will generate a self-signed certificate to secure the new domain.

  • If AutoSSL is enabled for the account that owns the new domain, the system will add a request for an AutoSSL certificate to secure the new domain and install it when it becomes available.

  • To open the subdomain’s main directory with the File Manager interface (cPanel >> Home >> Files >> File Manager), click the link under Document Root that corresponds to that subdomain.

Search subdomains

To search existing subdomains, perform the following steps:

  1. Enter the search criteria in the Search text box.

  2. Click Go.

Modify a subdomain

Modify the document root for a subdomain

To modify the document root for a subdomain, perform the following steps:

  1. Click the notepad icon that corresponds to the subdomain that you want to manage.

  2. Enter the new file path that you want to use as the document root in the available text box.

    You cannot use the following directories as a document root:

    Click to view...
    • The account’s home directory itself ( / )

    • Directories outside of the account’s home directory ( ./ and ../ )

    • .cpanel

    • .trash

    • etc

    • mail

    • ssl

    • tmp

    • logs

    • .cphorde

    • .spamassassin

    • .htpasswds

    • var

    • cgi-bin

    • .ssh

    • perl5

  3. Click Change.

Enable or disable subdomain redirection

If you wish to redirect a particular URL within a subdomain, or if the URL includes a www. prefix, use cPanel’s Redirects interface (cPanel >> Home >> Domains >> Redirects).

Cool Subdomain Names Ideas

To enable or disable redirection of a subdomain, perform the following steps:

  1. Click the Manage Redirection link that corresponds to the subdomain that you wish to manage.

  2. If you wish to redirect the subdomain, enter the link to which you want to redirect the subdomain in the available text box.

  3. Click Save.

  4. To disable the redirect, click Disable Redirection.

Remove a subdomain

Cool subdomain names

To remove an existing subdomain, perform the following steps:

  1. Click the Remove link that corresponds to the subdomain that you want to remove.

  2. Click Yes to confirm that you want to remove the subdomain.

  3. To keep the subdomain, click No.

Additional Documentation

Newsletters have become an important part of business today. In order to attract the attention of the readers, you will need more attention-grabbing newsletter names. Here we will share with you some of the best, unique, creative and cool newsletter name ideas and suggestions that will inspire you to write your own.

All the modern newsletter name ideas that we are sharing with you can be used anywhere you want. You can use them for your own company or for your clients.

Over the last year, we have helped thousands of entrepreneurs find business names for their businesses. We studied different aspects of why some names make it fast while other businesses flop because of the wrong selection of a business name.

So is the case with the name of your newsletter. A better name will give you a better response from the readers and thus it will lead to more contacts. And, thus more sales and profits. Here is how a good newsletter name looks like:

  • Share information about the newsletter.
  • Tells a story or deliver a message.
  • Unique and creative.
  • Easy to understand and memorable.

Cool Subdomain Names Roblox

Let’s dive in.

Cool Subdomain Names

Table of Contents

Newsletter Names

Here is the list of cool, creative, catchy, and unique newsletter names for you:

  • Marketing Directions
  • The Investment Portfolio
  • Marketplace News
  • Notes
  • Post
  • Roundup
  • Cliff notes
  • Digest
  • Bulletin
  • Publication
  • Alert
  • Beaver
  • Cable
  • Journal
  • Messenger
  • Reporter
  • Advance Bulletin
  • Announcement
  • Brief

Newsletter Name Ideas

Here are some newsletter name ideas to inspire you to write your own name:

  • TalkBack
  • Insider News
  • In Vision
  • Jumper
  • The Talker
  • Tech Talk
  • Telegraph
  • Smoke Signals
  • Some Assembly Required
  • Spectator
  • Next Draft
  • One 2 One
  • Peruse it
  • Playground
  • Communication
  • The Communique
  • Community Action
  • Competitive Edge
  • Connections

Modern Newsletter Names

Following are some modern newsletter names that you may like:

  • The Beats
  • Bits and Bytes
  • Broadcast
  • The Bulletin
  • In Tune
  • The Key Note
  • The Beat
  • Highlights
  • Short Cuts
  • The Daily Diva
  • People’s Press
  • Right Direction
  • The Beacon
  • Steering Wheel
  • Roadmap to Success

Health Newsletter Names

Below are some health newsletter names ideas and suggestions:

  • Just the Facts
  • The Advisor
  • The Dispatch
  • Digest
  • Directions
  • The Dispatch
  • Doctor
  • Eclipse
  • Enterprise
  • Master Works
  • Mentor
  • The Messenger
  • My Two Cents
  • Thrive
  • Tips
  • Up to Date
  • Appeal
  • Bottoms Up
  • Comet
  • Discovery

Church Newsletter Names

Following are the best church newsletter names that will inspire you:

  • Seller
  • Star
  • Telegraph
  • Banner
  • Broadcast
  • Caller
  • Connection
  • Hunter
  • Lawyer
  • News
  • Republic
  • Flyer
  • Jumper
  • NextDraft
  • Inside Look
  • Chronicle
  • Memo
  • Newspage

Nonprofit Newsletter Names

Here are some clever nonprofit newsletter names for you:

  • Pages
  • The Guided Light
  • The Supporter
  • Community Pathways
  • Grassroots Gazette
  • Clips
  • Segments
  • Playbook
  • Content
  • Brief
  • Dispatch
  • Technology Times
  • Network
  • Tech Times
  • Going Places
  • Are We There Yet?
  • The Jetsetters

Real Estate Newsletter Names

Here are some of the best real estate newsletter names:

  • Realty Report
  • Neighborly News
  • Real Estate Insider
  • Cruising
  • Auto-Mate
  • On the Road
  • In Focus
  • Beyond Beta
  • Data Points
  • Report
  • Solutions
  • Ideas
  • News Scout
  • Perfect Fit
  • Hair Me Out
  • The Cat Walk Method

Education Newsletter Names

Below are the best education newsletter names for you:

  • Bona Foodie
  • Tasty
  • Healthcare
  • Pulse Newsletter
  • Way To Go
  • Staying in Touch
  • Smart Move
  • The Home Front
  • The Neighborhood
  • Inspired Interiors
  • Punchlist
  • Latest
  • Letter
  • Editorial
  • Snapshot
  • Sentences

Human Resources Newsletter Names

Here are some human resources newsletter names ideas and suggestions:

  • Resource
  • Speed
  • Teacher
  • Tips
  • Update
  • Stealth
  • Telephone
  • Trumpet
  • Examiner
  • Happenings
  • Linesman
  • Mentor
  • Kindred Spirits
  • The Lead Dog
  • The Line
  • Linesman

How to Name Your Newsletter

As I stated earlier, in order to grab the attention of the readers, you need to name your newsletter in the right way. The more people read and understand your newsletter the more profit you will gain indirectly.

The question is “how to name your newsletter so that more and more people read it?” and the answer is “it’s possible”.

Here is the step by step process to name your newsletter:

1. Keep it short and simple.

If you look at the newsletter of big companies and corporations, you will come to know that these big companies prefer to use short and simple names in their newsletter names. Thus, instead of going for long and boring names, one should try short and simple names. Short names are easy to understand and thus they are memorable. And if your newsletter name is memorable, it will make a place in the mind of people.

2. Avoid difficult words.

When you use difficult words in your newsletter names, you are making it difficult for your audience to understand it. As your goals is that more and more people read and understand your newsletter. But if people aren’t even getting your newsletter name in the first place, why would they read the whole stuff.

Cool Subdomain Names Generator

3. Share something surprising for your audience.

If you want your audience to read the whole newsletter, you will need to grab their attention on the first few lines. But nothing works better than a creative and catchy newsletter name. Make sure to tell something to your audience that will surprise them and thus it will turn them into reading the whole newsletter.

4. Get Suggestions from teammates.

Best Subdomain Names

Getting suggestions from your friends, family, and teammates may help you. Sometimes people have really creative newsletter name ideas and suggestions in their minds. Sometimes ideas just pop up in minds. So it’s always a good idea to get suggestions from teammates.

Good Luck!
